Moving towards a sustainable future

Pegasus Airlines has partnered with leading climate tech company CHOOOSE™ to enable passengers to understand the carbon impact of their flights and to help address these emissions by supporting verified climate solutions.

By confirming or adding your travel details in the widget below, you can estimate the carbon emissions associated with your flight and support verified climate solutions that will reduce or remove CO2 emissions in an amount equivalent to the flight’s estimated carbon footprint. Your offsetting transactions will be carried out by CHOOOSE™.

Carbon calculator app

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Support impactful climate solutions

Sustainability endeavors, including climate action, work best when they are part of a larger global effort. In addition to the numerous climate action initiatives supported by Pegasus Airlines, details of which are provided at the Pegasus Airlines Sustainability Hub, you can individually make your climate contribution here.

You can find more information about the verified climate solutions covered by the offsetting offer provided by Pegasus Airlines and CHOOOSE™ on the Climate Projects page.

Climate action for everyone.

This solution is delivered by CHOOOSE™ for Pegasus Airlines.



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